replicated app ls
List applications
List all applications in your Replicated account, or search for a specific application by name or ID.
This command displays information about your applications, including their names, IDs, and associated channels. If a NAME argument is provided, it will filter the results to show only applications that match the given name or ID.
The output can be customized using the --output flag to display results in either table or JSON format.
replicated app ls [NAME] [flags]
ls, list
# List all applications
replicated app ls
# Search for a specific application by name
replicated app ls "My App"
# List applications and output in JSON format
replicated app ls --output json
# Search for an application and display results in table format
replicated app ls "App Name" --output table
-h, --help help for ls
-o, --output string The output format to use. One of: json|table (default "table")
Options inherited from parent commands
--app string The app slug or app id to use in all calls
--debug Enable debug output
--token string The API token to use to access your app in the Vendor API
- replicated app - Manage applications