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registry add

Adds a new external registry.


registry add [command] [flags]

The following registry add commands are supported:

replicated registry add dockerhubAdds a DockerHub registry.
replicated registry add ecrAdds an Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR).
replicated registry add garAdds a Google Artifact Registry (GAR).
replicated registry add gcrAdds a Google Container Registry (GCR).
replicated registry add ghcrAdds a GitHub Container Registry (GHCR).
replicated registry add otherAdds a registry that is not otherwise specified with its own command.
replicated registry add quayAdds a registry.

The following flags are supported:

FlagType (if applicable)Description
--appstringThe app slug or app ID to use in all calls. The default uses the $REPLICATED_APP environment variable.
-h, --helpHelp for the command.
--skip-validationSkips the validation of the registry (not recommended).
--tokenstringThe API token used to access your application in the Vendor API. The default uses the $REPLICATED_API_TOKEN environment variable.