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Supported Compatibility Matrix Cluster Types

This topic describes the supported Kubernetes distributions, Kubernetes versions, instance types, nodes, limitations, and common use cases for clusters created with Replicated Compatibility Matrix.

Compatibility Matrix provisions cloud-based or virtual machine (VM) clusters.

VM Clusters

This section lists the supported VM cluster distributions for clusters created with Compatibility Matrix.


Compatibility Matrix supports creating kind clusters.

Supported Kubernetes Versions1.26.15, 1.27.16, 1.28.15, 1.29.14, 1.30.10, 1.31.6, 1.32.3
Supported Instance TypesSee Replicated Instance Types
Node GroupsNo
Node Auto ScalingNo
NodesSupports a single node.
IP FamilySupports ipv4 or dual.
LimitationsSee Limitations
Common Use CasesSmoke tests


Compatibility Matrix supports creating k3s clusters.

Supported k3s VersionsThe upstream k8s version that matches the Kubernetes version requested.
Supported Kubernetes Versions1.24.1, 1.24.2, 1.24.3, 1.24.4, 1.24.6, 1.24.7, 1.24.8, 1.24.9, 1.24.10, 1.24.11, 1.24.12, 1.24.13, 1.24.14, 1.24.15, 1.24.16, 1.24.17, 1.25.0, 1.25.2, 1.25.3, 1.25.4, 1.25.5, 1.25.6, 1.25.7, 1.25.8, 1.25.9, 1.25.10, 1.25.11, 1.25.12, 1.25.13, 1.25.14, 1.25.15, 1.25.16, 1.26.0, 1.26.1, 1.26.2, 1.26.3, 1.26.4, 1.26.5, 1.26.6, 1.26.7, 1.26.8, 1.26.9, 1.26.10, 1.26.11, 1.26.12, 1.26.13, 1.26.14, 1.26.15, 1.27.1, 1.27.2, 1.27.3, 1.27.4, 1.27.5, 1.27.6, 1.27.7, 1.27.8, 1.27.9, 1.27.10, 1.27.11, 1.27.12, 1.27.13, 1.27.14, 1.27.15, 1.27.16, 1.28.1, 1.28.2, 1.28.3, 1.28.4, 1.28.5, 1.28.6, 1.28.7, 1.28.8, 1.28.9, 1.28.10, 1.28.11, 1.28.12, 1.28.13, 1.28.14, 1.28.15, 1.29.0, 1.29.1, 1.29.2, 1.29.3, 1.29.4, 1.29.5, 1.29.6, 1.29.7, 1.29.8, 1.29.9, 1.29.10, 1.29.11, 1.29.12, 1.29.13, 1.29.14, 1.30.0, 1.30.1, 1.30.2, 1.30.3, 1.30.4, 1.30.5, 1.30.6, 1.30.7, 1.30.8, 1.30.9, 1.30.10, 1.31.0, 1.31.1, 1.31.2, 1.31.3, 1.31.4, 1.31.5, 1.31.6, 1.32.0, 1.32.1, 1.32.2
Supported Instance TypesSee Replicated Instance Types
Node GroupsYes
Node Auto ScalingNo
NodesSupports multiple nodes.
IP FamilySupports ipv4.
LimitationsFor additional limitations that apply to all distributions, see Limitations.
Common Use Cases
  • Smoke tests
  • Customer release tests

RKE2 (Beta)

Compatibility Matrix supports creating RKE2 clusters.

Supported RKE2 VersionsThe upstream k8s version that matches the Kubernetes version requested.
Supported Kubernetes Versions1.24.1, 1.24.2, 1.24.3, 1.24.4, 1.24.6, 1.24.7, 1.24.8, 1.24.9, 1.24.10, 1.24.11, 1.24.12, 1.24.13, 1.24.14, 1.24.15, 1.24.16, 1.24.17, 1.25.0, 1.25.2, 1.25.3, 1.25.4, 1.25.5, 1.25.6, 1.25.7, 1.25.8, 1.25.9, 1.25.10, 1.25.11, 1.25.12, 1.25.13, 1.25.14, 1.25.15, 1.25.16, 1.26.0, 1.26.1, 1.26.2, 1.26.3, 1.26.4, 1.26.5, 1.26.6, 1.26.7, 1.26.8, 1.26.9, 1.26.10, 1.26.11, 1.26.12, 1.26.13, 1.26.14, 1.26.15, 1.27.1, 1.27.2, 1.27.3, 1.27.4, 1.27.5, 1.27.6, 1.27.7, 1.27.8, 1.27.9, 1.27.10, 1.27.11, 1.27.12, 1.27.13, 1.27.14, 1.27.15, 1.27.16, 1.28.2, 1.28.3, 1.28.4, 1.28.5, 1.28.6, 1.28.7, 1.28.8, 1.28.9, 1.28.10, 1.28.11, 1.28.12, 1.28.13, 1.28.14, 1.28.15, 1.29.0, 1.29.1, 1.29.2, 1.29.3, 1.29.4, 1.29.5, 1.29.6, 1.29.7, 1.29.8, 1.29.9, 1.29.10, 1.29.11, 1.29.12, 1.29.13, 1.29.14, 1.30.0, 1.30.1, 1.30.2, 1.30.3, 1.30.4, 1.30.5, 1.30.6, 1.30.7, 1.30.8, 1.30.9, 1.30.10, 1.31.0, 1.31.1, 1.31.2, 1.31.3, 1.31.4, 1.31.5, 1.31.6, 1.32.0, 1.32.1, 1.32.2
Supported Instance TypesSee Replicated Instance Types
Node GroupsYes
Node Auto ScalingNo
NodesSupports multiple nodes.
IP FamilySupports ipv4.
LimitationsFor additional limitations that apply to all distributions, see Limitations.
Common Use Cases
  • Smoke tests
  • Customer release tests

OpenShift OKD

Compatibility Matrix supports creating Red Hat OpenShift OKD clusters, which is the community distribution of OpenShift, using CodeReady Containers (CRC).

OpenShift clusters are provisioned with two users:

  • (Default) A kubeadmin user with cluster-admin priviledges. Use the kubeadmin user only for administrative tasks such as creating new users or setting roles.
  • A developer user with namespace-scoped priviledges. The developer user can be used to better simulate access in end-customer environments.

By default, kubeconfig context is set to the kubeadmin user. To switch to the developer user, run the command oc login --username developer.

Supported OpenShift Versions4.10.0-okd, 4.11.0-okd, 4.12.0-okd, 4.13.0-okd, 4.14.0-okd, 4.15.0-okd, 4.16.0-okd, 4.17.0-okd
Supported Instance TypesSee Replicated Instance Types
Node GroupsYes
Node Auto ScalingNo
NodesSupports multiple nodes for versions 4.13.0-okd and later.
IP FamilySupports ipv4.
  • OpenShift does not support r1.small instance types.
  • OpenShift versions earlier than 4.13-okd do not have a registry mirror and so may be subject to rate limiting from Docker Hub. For information about Docker Hub rate limiting, see Docker Hub rate limit. To increase limits, Replicated recommends that you configure an image pull secret to pull public Docker Hub images as an authenticated user. For more information about how to configure image pull secrets, see Pull an Image from a Private Registry in the Kubernetes documentation.
  • OpenShift builds take approximately 17 minutes.


    Due to the time it takes to start an OpenShift cluster, a warm pool of OpenShift clusters is maintained. When available, an OpenShift cluster from the pool starts in approximately two minutes with default disks. When starting a cluster with a disk size different than the default, an additional four minutes is added to the warm cluster start time.

For additional limitations that apply to all distributions, see Limitations.

Common Use CasesCustomer release tests

Embedded Cluster

Compatibility Matrix supports creating clusters with Replicated Embedded Cluster. For more information, see Embedded Cluster Overview.

Supported Embedded Cluster Versions

Any valid release sequence that has previously been promoted to the channel where the customer license is assigned. Version is optional and defaults to the latest available release on the channel.

Supported Instance TypesSee Replicated Instance Types
Node GroupsYes
NodesSupports multiple nodes (alpha).
IP FamilySupports ipv4.
  • The Admin Console UI is not exposed publicly and must be exposed via kubectl -n kotsadm port-forward svc/kurl-proxy-kotsadm 38800:8800. The password for the Admin Console is password.
  • A valid customer license is required to create an Embedded Cluster.
  • The cluster prepare command is not supported.

For additional limitations that apply to all distributions, see Limitations.

Common Use CasesCustomer release tests


Compatibility Matrix supports creating kURL clusters.

Supported kURL VersionsAny promoted kURL installer. Version is optional. For an installer version other than "latest", you can find the specific Installer ID for a previously promoted installer under the relevant Install Command (ID after on the Channels > kURL Installer History page in the Vendor Portal. For more information about viewing the history of kURL installers promoted to a channel, see Installer History.
Supported Instance TypesSee Replicated Instance Types
Node GroupsYes
Node Auto ScalingNo
NodesSupports multiple nodes.
IP FamilySupports ipv4.

Does not work with the Longhorn add-on.

For additional limitations that apply to all distributions, see Limitations.

Common Use CasesCustomer release tests

Cloud Clusters

This section lists the supported cloud clusters for compatibility testing.


Compatibility Matrix supports creating AWS EKS clusters.

Supported Kubernetes Versions

1.25, 1.26, 1.27, 1.28, 1.29, 1.30, 1.31, 1.32

Extended Support Versions: 1.25, 1.26, 1.27, 1.28, 1.29

Supported Instance Types

m6i.large, m6i.xlarge, m6i.2xlarge, m6i.4xlarge, m6i.8xlarge, m7i.large, m7i.xlarge, m7i.2xlarge, m7i.4xlarge, m7i.8xlarge, m5.large, m5.xlarge, m5.2xlarge, m5.4xlarge, m5.8xlarge, m7g.large (arm), m7g.xlarge (arm), m7g.2xlarge (arm), m7g.4xlarge (arm), m7g.8xlarge (arm), c5.large, c5.xlarge, c5.2xlarge, c5.4xlarge, c5.9xlarge, g4dn.xlarge (gpu), g4dn.2xlarge (gpu), g4dn.4xlarge (gpu), g4dn.8xlarge (gpu), g4dn.12xlarge (gpu), g4dn.16xlarge (gpu)

g4dn instance types depend on available capacity. After a g4dn cluster is running, you also need to install your version of the NVIDIA device plugin for Kubernetes. See Amazon EKS optimized accelerated Amazon Linux AMIs in the AWS documentation.

Node GroupsYes
Node Auto ScalingYes. Cost will be based on the max number of nodes.
NodesSupports multiple nodes.
IP FamilySupports ipv4.

You can only choose a minor version, not a patch version. The EKS installer chooses the latest patch for that minor version.

For additional limitations that apply to all distributions, see Limitations.

Common Use CasesCustomer release tests


Compatibility Matrix supports creating Google GKE clusters.

Supported Kubernetes Versions1.30, 1.31, 1.32
Supported Instance Types

n2-standard-2, n2-standard-4, n2-standard-8, n2-standard-16, n2-standard-32, t2a-standard-2 (arm), t2a-standard-4 (arm), t2a-standard-8 (arm), t2a-standard-16 (arm), t2a-standard-32 (arm), t2a-standard-48 (arm), e2-standard-2, e2-standard-4, e2-standard-8, e2-standard-16, e2-standard-32, n1-standard-1+nvidia-tesla-t4+1 (gpu), n1-standard-1+nvidia-tesla-t4+2 (gpu), n1-standard-1+nvidia-tesla-t4+4 (gpu), n1-standard-2+nvidia-tesla-t4+1 (gpu), n1-standard-2+nvidia-tesla-t4+2 (gpu), n1-standard-2+nvidia-tesla-t4+4 (gpu), n1-standard-4+nvidia-tesla-t4+1 (gpu), n1-standard-4+nvidia-tesla-t4+2 (gpu), n1-standard-4+nvidia-tesla-t4+4 (gpu), n1-standard-8+nvidia-tesla-t4+1 (gpu), n1-standard-8+nvidia-tesla-t4+2 (gpu), n1-standard-8+nvidia-tesla-t4+4 (gpu), n1-standard-16+nvidia-tesla-t4+1 (gpu), n1-standard-16+nvidia-tesla-t4+2 (gpu), n1-standard-16+nvidia-tesla-t4+4 (gpu), n1-standard-32+nvidia-tesla-t4+1 (gpu), n1-standard-32+nvidia-tesla-t4+2 (gpu), n1-standard-32+nvidia-tesla-t4+4 (gpu), n1-standard-64+nvidia-tesla-t4+1 (gpu), n1-standard-64+nvidia-tesla-t4+2 (gpu), n1-standard-64+nvidia-tesla-t4+4 (gpu), n1-standard-96+nvidia-tesla-t4+1 (gpu), n1-standard-96+nvidia-tesla-t4+2 (gpu), n1-standard-96+nvidia-tesla-t4+4 (gpu)

You can specify more than one node.

Node GroupsYes
Node Auto ScalingYes. Cost will be based on the max number of nodes.
NodesSupports multiple nodes.
IP FamilySupports ipv4.

You can choose only a minor version, not a patch version. The GKE installer chooses the latest patch for that minor version.

For additional limitations that apply to all distributions, see Limitations.

Common Use CasesCustomer release tests


Compatibility Matrix supports creating Azure AKS clusters.

Supported Kubernetes Versions1.29, 1.30, 1.31
Supported Instance Types

Standard_B2ms, Standard_B4ms, Standard_B8ms, Standard_B16ms, Standard_DS2_v2, Standard_DS3_v2, Standard_DS4_v2, Standard_DS5_v2, Standard_DS2_v5, Standard_DS3_v5, Standard_DS4_v5, Standard_DS5_v5, Standard_D2ps_v5 (arm), Standard_D4ps_v5 (arm), Standard_D8ps_v5 (arm), Standard_D16ps_v5 (arm), Standard_D32ps_v5 (arm), Standard_D48ps_v5 (arm), Standard_NC4as_T4_v3 (gpu), Standard_NC8as_T4_v3 (gpu), Standard_NC16as_T4_v3 (gpu), Standard_NC64as_T4_v3 (gpu)

GPU instance types depend on available capacity. After a GPU cluster is running, you also need to install your version of the NVIDIA device plugin for Kubernetes. See NVIDIA GPU Operator with Azure Kubernetes Service in the NVIDIA documentation.

Node GroupsYes
Node Auto ScalingYes. Cost will be based on the max number of nodes.
NodesSupports multiple nodes.
IP FamilySupports ipv4.

You can choose only a minor version, not a patch version. The AKS installer chooses the latest patch for that minor version.

For additional limitations that apply to all distributions, see Limitations.

Common Use CasesCustomer release tests

OKE (Beta)

Compatibility Matrix supports creating Oracle Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE) clusters.

Supported Kubernetes Versions1.29.1, 1.29.10, 1.30.1, 1.31.1, 1.32.1
Supported Instance Types

VM.Standard2.1, VM.Standard2.2, VM.Standard2.4, VM.Standard2.8, VM.Standard2.16, VM.Standard3.Flex.1, VM.Standard3.Flex.2, VM.Standard3.Flex.4, VM.Standard3.Flex.8, VM.Standard3.Flex.16, VM.Standard.A1.Flex.1 (arm), VM.Standard.A1.Flex.2 (arm), VM.Standard.A1.Flex.4 (arm), VM.Standard.A1.Flex.8 (arm), VM.Standard.A1.Flex.16 (arm)

Node GroupsYes
Node Auto ScalingNo.
NodesSupports multiple nodes.
IP FamilySupports ipv4.

Provising an OKE cluster does take between 8 to 10 minutes. If needed, some timeouts in your CI pipelines might have to be adjusted.

For additional limitations that apply to all distributions, see Limitations.

Common Use CasesCustomer release tests

Replicated Instance Types

When creating a VM-based cluster with Compatibility Matrix, you must specify a Replicated instance type.

TypeMemory (GiB)VCPU Count
r1.small8 GB2 VCPUs
r1.medium16 GB4 VCPUs
r1.large32 GB8 VCPUs
r1.xlarge64 GB16 VCPUs
r1.2xlarge128 GB32 VCPUs

Kubernetes Version Support Policy

We do not maintain forks or patches of the supported distributions. When a Kubernetes version in Compatibility Matrix is out of support (EOL), Replicated will attempt to continue to support this version for six months for compatibility testing to support customers who are running out-of-date versions of Kubernetes. In the event that a critical security issue or bug is found and unresolved, we might discontinue support for EOL versions of Kubernetes prior to 6 months post EOL.