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Disaster Recovery for Embedded Cluster (Alpha)

This topic describes the disaster recovery feature for Replicated Embedded Cluster, including how to enable disaster recovery for your application, how to configure disaster recovery in the Replicated KOTS Admin Console, and how to restore from a backup.


Embedded Cluster disaster recovery is an Alpha feature. This feature is subject to change, including breaking changes. To get access to this feature, reach out to Alex Parker at


Embedded Cluster does not support backup and restore with the KOTS snapshots feature. For more information about snapshots, see Understanding Backup and Restore.


The Embedded Cluster disaster recovery feature allows you to support backup and restore for your customers. Embedded Cluster users can configure and take backups from the Admin Console, and restore from the command line.

Disaster recovery for Embedded Cluster installations is implemented with Velero. For more information about Velero, see the Velero documentation.


Enabling disaster recovery for Embedded Cluster has the following requirements:

  • The disaster recovery feature flag must be enabled for your account. To get access to disaster recovery, reach out to Alex Parker at
  • Embedded Cluster version 1.4.1 or later
  • Backups must be stored in S3-compatible storage

Limitations and Known Issues

Embedded Cluster disaster recovery has the following limitations and known issues:

  • During a restore, the version of the Embedded Cluster installation assets must match the version of the application in the backup. So if version 0.1.97 of your application was backed up, the Embedded Cluster installation assets for 0.1.97 must be used to perform the restore. Use ./APP_SLUG version to check the version of the installation assets, where APP_SLUG is the unique application slug. For example:

    version command

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  • You can only restore from the most recent backup.

  • Velero is only installed during the installation process. Enabling the disaster recovery license field for customers after they have already installed will not do anything.

  • If the --admin-console-port flag was used during install to change the port for the Admin Console, note that during a restore the Admin Console port will be used from the backup and cannot be changed. For more information, see Change the Admin Console and LAM Ports.

Configure Disaster Recovery for Your Application

To configure disaster recovery for your application:

  1. Apply the app label to any Kubernetes resource you want backed up.

    Example HelmChart resource to set the required label on all resources:

    kind: HelmChart
    name: postgresql
    name: postgresql
    chartVersion: 15.5.0
    commonLabels: app
  2. You must specify which Pod volumes you want backed up. This is done with the annotation. For more information, see File System Backup in the Velero documentation.

    Example Helm chart values to set the backup-volumes annotation on the relevant Pod:

    podAnnotations: backup
  3. (Optional) In addition to the previous steps, you can use Velero functionality like backup and restore hooks to customize your backup and restore process as needed.

    For example, a Postgres database might be backed up using pg_dump to extract the database into a file as part of a backup hook. It can then be restored using the file in a restore hook:

    podAnnotations: backup '["/bin/bash", "-c", "PGPASSWORD=$POSTGRES_PASSWORD pg_dump -U {{repl ConfigOption "postgresql_username" }} -d {{repl ConfigOption "postgresql_database" }} -h > /scratch/backup.sql"]' 3m '["/bin/bash", "-c", "[ -f \"/scratch/backup.sql\" ] && PGPASSWORD=$POSTGRES_PASSWORD psql -U {{repl ConfigOption "postgresql_username" }} -h -d {{repl ConfigOption "postgresql_database" }} -f /scratch/backup.sql && rm -f /scratch/backup.sql;"]' 'true' # waits for the pod to be ready before running the post-restore hook

Enable Disaster Recovery for Your Customers

After configuring disaster recovery for your application, you can enable it on a per-customer basis with the Allow Disaster Recovery license field.

To enable disaster recovery for a customer:

  1. In the Vendor Portal, go to the Customers page and select the target customer.

  2. On the Manage customer page, under License options, enable the Allow Disaster Recovery (Alpha) field.

    When your customer installs with Embedded Cluster, Velero will be deployed if the Allow Disaster Recovery license field is enabled.

Configure Backup Storage and Take Backups in the Admin Console

To configure backup storage and take backups in the Admin Console:

  1. After installing the application and visiting the Admin Console, click the Disaster Recovery tab at the top of the Admin Console.

  2. For the desired S3-compatible backup storage location, enter the bucket, prefix (optional), access key ID, access key secret, endpoint, and region. Click Update storage settings.

    backup storage settings

    View a larger version of this image

  3. (Optional) From this same page, configure scheduled backups and a retention policy for backups.

    scheduled backups

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  4. In the Disaster Recovery submenu, click Backups. Backups can be taken from this screen.

    backups page

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Restore from a Backup

To restore from a backup:

  1. SSH onto a new machine where you want to restore from a backup.

  2. Download the Embedded Cluster installation assets for the version of the application that was included in the backup. You can find the command for downloading Embedded Cluster installation assets in the Embedded Cluster install instructions dialog for the customer. For more information, Online Installation with Embedded Cluster.


    The version of the Embedded Cluster installation assets must match the version that is in the backup. For more information, see Limitations and Known Issues.

  3. Run the restore command:

    sudo ./APP_SLUG restore

    Where APP_SLUG is the unique application slug.

    Note the following requirements and guidance for the restore command:

    • If the installation is behind a proxy, the same proxy settings provided during install must be provided to the restore command using --http-proxy, --https-proxy, and --no-proxy. For more information, see Install Behind a Proxy.

    • If the --pod-cidr and --service-cidr flags were used during install to the set IP address ranges for Pods and Services, these flags must be provided with the same CIDRs during the restore. If these flags are not provided or are provided with different CIDRs, the restore will fail with an error message telling you to rerun with the appropriate flags and values. However, it will take some time before that error occurs. For more information, see Set IP Address Ranges for Pods and Services.

    • If the --local-artifact-mirror-port flag was used during install to change the port for the Local Artifact Mirror (LAM), you can optionally use the --local-artifact-mirror-port flag to choose a different LAM port during restore. For example, restore --local-artifact-mirror-port=50000. If no LAM port is provided during restore, the LAM port that was supplied during installation will be used. For more information, see Change Admin Console and LAM Ports.

    You will be guided through the process of restoring from a backup.

  4. When prompted, enter the information for the backup storage location.

    Restore prompts on the command line View a larger version of this image

  5. When prompted, confirm that you want to restore from the detected backup.

    Restore from detected backup prompt on the command line View a larger version of this image

    After some time, the Admin console URL is displayed:

    Restore from detected backup prompt on the command line View a larger version of this image

  6. (Optional) If the cluster should have multiple nodes, go to the Admin Console to get a join command and join additional nodes to the cluster. For more information, see Add Nodes.

  7. Type continue when you are ready to proceed with the restore process.

    Type continue when you are done adding nodes View a larger version of this image

    After some time, the restore process completes.

    If the restore command is interrupted during the restore process, you can resume by rerunning the restore command and selecting to resume the previous restore. This is useful if your SSH session is interrupted during the restore.