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Online Installation with Embedded Cluster

This topic describes how to install an application in an online (internet-connected) environment with the Replicated Embedded Cluster installer. For information about air gap installations with Embedded Cluster, see Air Gap Installation with Embedded Cluster.


Before you install, complete the following prerequisites:


To install an application with Embedded Cluster:

  1. In the Vendor Portal, go to Customers and click on the target customer. Click Install instructions > Embedded Cluster.

    Customer install instructions drop down button

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    The Embedded Cluster install instructions dialog is displayed.

    Embedded cluster install instruction dialog

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  2. (Optional) In the Embedded Cluster install instructions dialog, under Select a version, select a specific application version to install. By default, the latest version is selected.

  3. SSH onto the machine where you will install.

  4. Run the first command in the Embedded Cluster install instructions dialog to download the installation assets as a .tgz.

  5. Run the second command to extract the .tgz. The will produce the following files:

    • The installer
    • The license
  6. Run the third command to install the release:

    sudo ./APP_SLUG install --license LICENSE_FILE


    • APP_SLUG is the unique slug for the application.
    • LICENSE_FILE is the customer license.
  7. When prompted, enter a password for accessing the KOTS Admin Console.

    The installation command takes a few minutes to complete. During installation, Embedded Cluster completes tasks to prepare the cluster and install KOTS in the cluster. Embedded Cluster also automatically runs a default set of host preflight checks which verify that the environment meets the requirements for the installer.

  8. When the installation command completes, go to the URL provided in the output to access the Admin Console.

    Example output:

    ✔  Host files materialized
    ? Enter an Admin Console password: ********
    ? Confirm password: ********
    ✔ Host files materialized!
    ✔ Host preflights succeeded!
    ✔ Node installation finished!
    ✔ Storage is ready!
    ✔ Embedded Cluster Operator is ready!
    ✔ Admin Console is ready!
    ✔ Additional components are ready!
    Visit the admin console to configure and install gitea-kite:

    At this point, the cluster is provisioned and the KOTS Admin Console is deployed, but the application is not yet installed.

  9. Bypass the browser TLS warning by clicking Continue to Setup.

  10. Click Advanced > Proceed.

  11. On the HTTPS page, upload your own private key and certificacte or select Self-signed.

    By default, a self-signed TLS certificate is used to secure communication between your browser and the Admin Console. You will see a warning in your browser every time you access the Admin Console unless you upload your own certificate.

  12. On the login page, enter the Admin Console password that you created during installation and click Log in.

  13. On the Nodes page, you can view details about the VM where you installed, including its node role, status, CPU, and memory. Optionally, add nodes before deploying the application. Click Continue.

  14. On the config screen, complete the fields for the application configuration options and then click Continue.

  15. On the Preflight checks page, the application-specific preflight checks run automatically. Preflight checks are conformance tests that run against the target namespace and cluster to ensure that the environment meets the minimum requirements to support the application. Click Deploy.


    Replicated recommends that you address any warnings or failures, rather than dismissing them. Preflight checks help ensure that your environment meets the requirements for application deployment.


    If the application does not include preflight checks, next to the target version on the dashboard, click Deploy then Yes, Deploy to install the application.

The Admin Console dashboard opens.

On the Admin Console dashboard, the application status changes from Missing to Unavailable while the application is being installed. When the installation is complete, the status changes to Ready. For example:

Admin console dashboard showing ready status

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Install Behind a Proxy Server

The following flags can be used with the Embedded Cluster install command to install behind a proxy server:

--http-proxyProxy server to use for HTTP
--https-proxyProxy server to use for HTTPS

Comma-separated list of hosts for which not to use a proxy.

For single-node installations, pass the IP address of the node where you are installing. For multi-node installations, when deploying the first node, pass the list of IP addresses for all nodes in the cluster (typically in CIDR notation).

The following are never proxied:

  • Internal cluster communication (localhost,, .cluster.local, .svc)
  • The CIDRs used for assigning IPs to Kubernetes Pods and Services. By default, the Pod CIDR is and the Service CIDR For information about how to change these defaults, see Set IP Address Ranges for Pods and Services.

To ensure your app's internal cluster communication is not proxied, use fully qualified domain names like or


sudo ./APP_SLUG install --license LICENSE_FILE \
--http-proxy=HOST:PORT \
--https-proxy=HOST:PORT \


  • LICENSE_FILE is the customer's license
  • HOST:PORT is the host and port of the proxy server
  • LIST_OF_HOSTS is the list of hosts to not proxy. For example, the IP address of the node where you are installing. Or, for multi-node clusters, the list of IP addresses for all nodes in the cluster, typically in CIDR notation.


Proxy installations require Embedded Cluster 1.5.1 or later with Kubernetes 1.29 or later. For example, Embedded Cluster 1.6.0+k8s-1.29 supports installing behind a proxy, and 1.6.0+k8s-1.28 does not. For the latest version information, see Embedded Cluster Release Notes.


  • If any of your Helm extensions make requests to the internet, the given charts need to be manually configured so that those requests are made to the user-supplied proxy server instead. Typically, this requires updating the Helm values to set HTTP proxy, HTTPS proxy, and no proxy.

    Note that this limitation applies only to network requests made by your Helm extensions. The proxy settings supplied to the install command are used to pull the containers required to run your Helm extensions.

  • Proxy settings cannot be changed after installation or during upgrade.

Set IP Address Ranges for Pods and Services

The following flags can be used with the Embedded Cluster install command to allocate IP address ranges for Pods and Services:

--pod-cidrThe range of IP addresses that can be assigned to Pods, in CIDR notation. By default, the Pod CIDR is
--service-cidrThe range of IP addresses that can be assigned to Services, in CIDR notation. By default, the Service CIDR is


sudo ./my-app install --license license.yaml --pod-cidr


The --pod-cidr and --service-cidr flags are not supported on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 9 operating systems.

Change Admin Console and LAM Ports

By default, the Admin Console and Local Artifact Mirror (LAM) run on ports 30000 and 50000, respectively. If these ports are occupied, you can select different ports.

To choose different ports for the Admin Console and LAM during installation with Embedded Cluster, use the --admin-console-port and --local-artifact-mirror-port flags with the Embedded Cluster install command.

For example:

install --admin-console-port=20000 --local-artifact-mirror-port=40000

The Embedded Cluster host preflight checks verify the default ports or the user-supplied ports, so users will be alerted before installation if they need to choose new port(s). For more information about the host preflight checks for Embedded Cluster, see About Host Preflight Checks.


It is not possible to change the port for the Admin Console during a restore with Embedded Cluster. For more information, see Disaster Recovery for Embedded Cluster (Alpha).

Change the Default Data Directory

The default location of the data directory for Embedded Cluster is /var/lib/embedded-cluster.

This directory can be modified by the user by passing the --data-dir flag to the install command.

For example:

sudo ./APP_SLUG install --data-dir /data/embedded-cluster --license license.yaml --airgap-bundle APP_SLUG.airgap

Where APP_SLUG is the unique application slug.


  • The data directory for Embedded Cluster cannot be changed after the cluster is installed.

  • If you use the --data-dir flag to change the data directory during installation, then you must use the same location when restoring in a disaster recovery scenario. For more information about disaster recovery with Embedded Cluster, see Disaster Recovery for Embedded Cluster.

  • Replicated does not support using symlinks for the Embedded Cluster data directory. Use the --data-dir flag instead of symlinking /var/lib/embedded-cluster.