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Helm global.replicated Values Schema

This topic describes the global.replicated values that are injected in the values file of an application's parent Helm chart during Helm installations with Replicated.


When a user installs a Helm application with the Helm CLI, the Replicated registry injects a set of customer-specific values into the global.replicated key of the parent Helm chart's values file.

The values in the global.replicated field include the following:

  • The fields in the customer's license, such as the field names, descriptions, signatures, values, and any custom license fields that you define. Vendors can use this license information to check entitlements before the application is installed. For more information, see Checking Entitlements in Helm Charts Before Deployment.

  • A base64 encoded Docker configuration file. To proxy images from an external private registry with the Replicated proxy registry, you can use the global.replicated.dockerconfigjson field to create an image pull secret for the proxy registry. For more information, see Proxying Images for Helm Installations.

The following is an example of a Helm values file containing the global.replicated values:

# Helm values.yaml
channelName: Stable
customerName: Example Customer
dockerconfigjson: eyJhdXRocyI6eyJd1dIRk5NbEZFVGsxd2JGUmFhWGxYWm5scloyNVRSV1pPT2pKT2NGaHhUVEpSUkU1...
description: License Expiration
name: expires_at
v1: iZBpESXx7fpdtnbMKingYHiJH42rP8fPs0x8izy1mODckGBwVoA...
title: Expiration
value: "2023-05-30T00:00:00Z"
valueType: String
licenseID: YiIXRTjiB7R...
licenseType: dev

global.replicated Values Schema

The global.replicated values schema contains the following fields:

channelNameStringThe name of the release channel
customerEmailStringThe email address of the customer
customerNameStringThe name of the customer
dockerconfigjsonStringBase64 encoded docker config json for pulling images
licenseFieldsA list containing each license field in the customer's license. Each element under licenseFields has the following properties: description, signature, title, value, valueType. expires_at is the default licenseField that all licenses include. Other elements under licenseField include the custom license fields added by vendors in the Vendor Portal. For more information, see Managing Customer License Fields.
licenseFields.[FIELD_NAME].descriptionStringDescription of the license field
licenseFields.[FIELD_NAME].signature.v1ObjectSignature of the license field
licenseFields.[FIELD_NAME].titleStringTitle of the license field
licenseFields.[FIELD_NAME].valueStringValue of the license field
licenseFields.[FIELD_NAME].valueTypeStringType of the license field value
licenseIDStringThe unique identifier for the license
licenseTypeStringThe type of license, such as "dev" or "prod". For more information, see Customer Types in About Customers and Licensing.

Replicated SDK Helm Values

When a user installs a Helm chart that includes the Replicated SDK as a dependency, a set of default SDK values are included in the replicated key of the parent chart's values file.

For example:

# values.yaml 

enabled: true
appName: gitea
channelID: 2jKkegBMseH5w...
channelName: Beta
channelSequence: 33
enabled: true
license: {}
parentChartURL: oci://
releaseCreatedAt: "2024-11-25T20:38:22Z"
releaseNotes: 'CLI release'
releaseSequence: 88
versionLabel: Beta-1234

These replicated values can be referenced by the application or set during installation as needed. For example, if users need to add labels or annotations to everything that runs in their cluster, then they can pass the labels or annotations to the relevant value in the SDK subchart.

For the default Replicated SDK Helm chart values file, see values.yaml.tmpl in the replicated-sdk repository in GitHub.

The SDK Helm values also include a replicated.license field, which is a string that contains the YAML representation of the customer license. For more information about the built-in fields in customer licenses, see Built-In License Fields.